Board Nominations

World IA Day is accepting nominations through July 6 for the Global Board of Directors

The nomination process is designed to identify, encourage, and enlist the active participation of dedicated individuals in the Information Architecture community at the leadership level.

World IA Day is dedicated to empowering leadership. Getting involved is the first step in being a leader.

Selection criteria

We are looking for people who have the following characteristics:

  • has experience of at least one year organizing a World IA Day event

  • has diversity indicators, e.g. geographic location, language, gender, ethnicity, experience, socioeconomic

  • has skills, talents, and areas of special expertise

  • has capacity to contribute time, effort, and/or funds

  • has passion for furthering the awareness of information architecture

  • has enthusiasm for advancing the mission of World IA Day the organization

  • is assertive and positive, conducive to moving forward, getting things done

Join the executive board

Members of the WIAA Board are nominated from the community. The board defines the strategic vision and establishes the roadmap with local organizers, committee leads, and the community-at-large.

  • Director of Publications

  • Director of Events

  • Director of Social Media

Last updated

© 2024 World Information Architecture Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (EIN 84-3158026) registered in the state of Florida, United States